搜索 丽塔·卡尔德罗尼

  • Neapolitan Vincenzo LoRusso lives of expedients in Rome, as he tries to sell at an intersection a faux suede jacket, accidentally meets Laura, a beautiful woman who invites him to her house.
  • 14世纪的黑暗时代,被判定为女巫的伊莎贝拉死在火刑架上。丈夫杰克甘愿成为吸血鬼猎杀处女,企图以处女之心和眼复活妻子。时间已至现代,杰克利用继女订婚宴的机会回到古堡,筹备着25日月圆之夜的复活计划。命运的安排下,当初火刑场上的那些故人也纷纷重回现于现代,跨越数百年的冤仇与情恨在这个古堡里重合……
  • The film depicts the rise to power of Alcide de Gasperi and the Christian Democratic Party in post war Italy and ends with de Gasperi's retirement in 1954.It is both a personal film (Rossellini makes no secret of his admiration for de Gasperi) whilst at the same time it does not lose sight of the historical context (de…