- Jeremy O'Reilly - the malicious, self-important presenter of a TV news show - has returned to further demolish the reputation of a disheveled bunch of East End locals as part of his 'Clean Up Britain' crusade. However, an unexpected turn ensues as the local's play a mischievous prank that goes horribly wrong and culmin…
- In 1988, Ulay and Abramovic decided to end their relationship and to mark this with a performance, which became the legendary endpoint of their collaboration. After years of negotiations with the Chinese authorities, the artists got the permission to carry out 'The Lovers: The Great Wall Walk', in which they started to…
- 本片跟随记录了素有当代行为艺术祖母之美誉的塞尔维亚行为艺术家玛瑞娜·阿布拉莫维克(玛瑞娜·阿布拉莫维克 Marina Abramovic 饰)于2010年在纽约现代艺术博物馆MoMA举行的大型回顾展Marina Abramovic: The Artist Is Present的全过程。该次展览中,艺术家曾经最著名的几件行为艺术作品通过受邀的30位年轻当代艺术家重现,而玛瑞娜·阿布拉…
- 《毒枭:墨西哥》第 2 季继续讲述米格尔·安赫尔·费利斯·加拉多的故事,他现在是墨西哥第一大贩毒集团(瓜达拉哈拉贩毒集团)的教父,一直在努力保持对各方势力的掌控,发展自己的帝国,在成为教父的路上不断调和所面对的背叛与牺牲。随着贩毒集团不同“广场”之间的摩擦加剧,费利斯对局势的掌控也随之减弱。同时,贩毒集团手上的血债(缉毒…