- 片中出现人物,以当年发动政变的领导人为主。他们都在政变失败后被捕入狱,以叛国罪名遭到起诉,此后全体特赦出狱,唯有陆军总司令瓦连尼科夫拒绝特赦,坚持受审,被判无罪释放。对于这几位苏维埃联盟的掘墓人和殉葬品的功过是非,以及八月政变的历史评价,至今仍没有一致的结论。但无论是固若金汤的柏林墙的顷刻瓦解,还是超级集权大国的急速崩…
- veryone who had any reaction to the incidents that took place Sept. 11, 2001 owes it to themselves to watch this film. It is a non biased reflection and presentation of newscasts, interviews, physical evidence or lack thereof that the American mass media didn't seem fit to force feed its viewers as was done with the im…
- After Saddam Hussein had the Kuwait Oil wells lit up, teams from all over the world fought those fires for months. They had to save the oil resources, as well as reduce air pollution. The different teams developed different techniques of extinguishing the fires. From TNT-shockwaves blowing out the flames to Tank-mounte…
- As every day of Donald Trump's presidential campaign seemingly generates new headlines, this two-hour special examines the increasingly polarizing candidate's past. Included is rarely seen footage from Trump's interviews with Phil Donahue and his comments about politics from the floor of the 1988 Republican convention.…