- 'The Trials of Muhammad Ali' covers Ali's toughest bout: his battle to overturn a five-year prison sentence for refusing US military service in Vietnam. Prior to becoming the most recognizable face on earth, Cassius Clay became Muhammad Ali and found himself in the crosshairs of conflicts concerning race, religion, and…
- 正当左翼政治在欧亚日渐式微,中国、日本等国相继摒弃社会主义、半社会主义体制,将就业和福祉、平等与均富弃之如敝履,大步迈向新自由主义之时,左翼政治却在素有坏资本主义标本之称的拉丁美洲甚嚣尘上,二十一世纪的社会主义在美国的后院诞生,前不久皮诺切特的去世,也象征着自由经济全球化信徒的嘉年华会,在中南美洲的寿终正寝:被称为美国…
- The film followed a 2004 documentary from the same pair of directors, Czech Dream.The creators of Czech Dream have come out with another feature-length documentary comedy that takes aim this time around at the planned construction of an American radar base in the Czech Republic's Brdy military zone. Employing ironic de…