- Political and sexual repression in Hungary, just after the revolution of 1956. In 1958, the body of Eva Szalanczky, a political journalist, is discovered near the border. Her friend Livia is in hospital with a broken neck; Livia's husband, Donci, is under arrest. In a flashback to the year before, we see what leads up …
- During a costume party on New Years Eve, a group of revelers join a celibration drinking and cheering in the New Year. One party goer, having drank too much, sticks her head out the window and hollars bitterly against the regeim in which they live. Within seconds uniformed police knock at the door and insist on searchi…
- 出身农村的艾玛与宝蓓,在布达佩斯的小学担任俄文老师。东欧政局丕变之后,俄文不再是必修课程。两人为了保住教职,进入夜校补习英文,然后到小学将前一晚所学授与学童。两人的薪水在外面租屋、购屋都没办法,就一直住在公家宿舍里,眼看室友都当了七年。为了改善拮据的经济状况,艾玛另外有份帮佣工作,宝蓓则流连酒吧,勾搭老外来请她吃饭。艾…