搜索 伯纳德·亨利·莱维

  • 简·格鲁普作为一名战地摄影师,经常冒着生命危险投入到工作之中。由于前妻身患癌症,当他回到位于哥本哈根的家中时,他又成了一位需要照顾四个孩子的父亲。他在工作中起到举足轻重的作用,但是因为常年颠沛流离的生活,他需要重新建立孩子对他的信任,与此同时,他仍然希望成为世界上最好的战地摄影师。影片记录了他陷入平衡工作和家庭生活的两…
  • It's hard to approach the good and bad in this film without being caught up a discussion of the message of BOSNA!, for this is a film that explicitly sets out to convert its audience to its side, to make people aware of the war and to try to influence them to pressure their governments to intervene. It's a film that's …