From the Emmy Award winning Creator/Director J.J. Johnson , Endlings is a sci-fi action adventure series about four foster kids who come together to save fantastical creatures from across the galaxy who are just like them: alone.
加拿大City原创剧集《Bad Blood》根据加拿大最有影响力的黑手党家族唯一幸存的成员、加拿大黑手党教父Vito Rizzuto的生平故事改编,主要素材来源于畅销书《Business or Blood: Mafia Boss Vito Rizzuto’s Last War》。Vito Rizzuto原本是蒙特利尔犯罪世界中的一个另类,他是唯一能让蒙特利尔各大犯罪帮派保持和平的人,也是…
An eccentric and rebellious billionaire tech titan is arrested in Europe on tax evasion charges and offers an eclectic group of friends 20 million to help escape the authorities