瑞塔索(Morgan C. Jones 配音)是一只生活在大城市里的老鼠,他没什么朋友,还霉运连连。在一次躲避追逐时,他被火车带出城市,原本想要参加盛大的嘉年华,了结果却被甩在荒郊野外。他偶然得到一枚蛋,不久从里面孵出一只极其丑陋的小鸭子,瑞塔索为他取名丑小鸭(Kim Larney 配音)。丑小鸭一无所长,备受奚落,甚至连瑞塔索都嫌他是个累赘。…
A recently retired English professor discovers a real knack for investigation and cannot help but interfere with the cases assigned to her police detective son.
In the wake of Eamon Cunningham’s death, the Kinsella family is thriving. However a new threat rears its head when members of a Turkish cartel inform the Kinsellas that Eamon owed a them sizable debt – and since they killed him, the debt i…