- The documentary contains interviews with older and younger generations of poster artists, examples of past and current poster work, historic and current film footage of where and how the poster is viewed, and commentaries from both American and Polish scholars and artists on the significance of the Polish poster as a c…
- 海亚影视学院(虚构)近些年已经跻身国内著名影视院校的行列,其表演系2013级本科班,学生形象、艺术条件都格外突出,从入校伊始就备受学校师生关注,被誉为“准明星班”。班主任文天阳年青英俊,刚刚硕士毕业留校,认真负责。班里共有17名学生,8男9女,家庭背景、成长经历、性格各异:有的学生家里条件优越,有奢华海边别墅、游艇与跑车;有的…