搜索 卡梅隆·本德

  • Find Me tells the story of newlyweds Emily and Tim as they settle into a small farm house in Emily's childhood hometown. Before the boxes can even be unpacked, the couple realizes that there are strange occurrences happening in the house that were not disclosed by the real estate agent. At first more curious than scare…
  • 电影科幻
    未来某天,地球上突然迎来一群不速之客。为数众多的外星机器人出现在各大城市,它们体形巨大,强悍无敌,可以瞬间将攻击者气化,这使人类感受到空前的压迫和危机。军队长官普瑞特(Darren Dalton 饰)夜间执行任务,抓到两个具有人类体貌特征的男性(Bug Hall 饰)和女性(Sinead McCafferty 饰)机器人。普瑞特连夜审问,却未得到任何线索。不…