搜索 印第安娜·伊万斯

  • 电影惊悚
    科幻惊悚片,讲述日蚀致使的超冷气流涌向地球,引起了一连串灾难事件的发生,地球面临着新的一次冰川世纪的降临。《星际之门》的迈克尔·山克斯扮演一名地球物理学家,阿蕾山德拉·戴维斯、印第安娜·伊万斯扮演他的妻女。 幕后制作 影片由加拿大与澳大利亚合拍,在澳大利亚的塔斯马尼亚岛取景拍摄。影片导演布赖恩·特伦查德·史密斯来自加拿大…
  • 珍妮特·金第一季
    Senior Prosecutor Janet King returns from maternity leave to confront a high-profile murder, and a conspiracy which will have shocking ramifications throughout the judicial system.
  • 美少女人鱼第三季
  • Smart and savvy detective Anais Mallory (portrayed by Chelsie Preston-Crayford) returns to her hometown, Queenstown, in South Island, New Zealand and is met with a series of startlingly different homicides. She has to crack the cases while also picking her way through a backdrop of past ghosts.
  • Set in the picture postcard community on Sydney's northern beaches, SNOBS is the story of unlikely friends - Abby, the daughter of a wealthy, middle class traditional family and Marian, a boy from a group of modern day nomads who have been come to be known as Ferals - the arrival of whom upsets the peace of the communi…
  • 电影冒险
    曾经的信仰崩塌,内心笃定的爱慕与崇拜转而化作足以吞噬一切的无边黑暗。虔诚的格尔(克里斯蒂安·贝尔 Christian Bale 饰)化身屠神者,将杀戮之手伸向了宇宙中每一个至高无上的神祇。雷神索尔(克里斯·海姆斯沃斯 Chris Hemsworth 饰)的平静生活终于被格尔所扰动,他和女武神(泰莎·汤普森 Tessa Thompson 饰)联手与新的对手展开…