- Jian (Ken Zheng) is a counter terrorism agent who blends his skills as a martial artist and clairvoyant to bring the world's most nefarious individuals to justice. This lone wolf is is forced to make an unexpected detour to Los Angeles upon receipt of the devastating news of a cover up surrounding his brother's alleged…
- 《航海王》改编自尾田荣一郎创作的日本历史上最畅销的漫画系列,讲述了一场与众不同的传奇公海冒险。蒙奇·D·路飞是一位年轻的冒险家,自记事起就渴望自由的生活。路飞从他的小村庄出发,踏上了一段危险的旅程,去寻找传说中的宝藏大秘宝,立志成为海贼王!但为了找到最终的宝藏,路飞需要召集他一直想要寻找的船员,找到一艘可以航行的船,搜…