- Professor Shuri is a scientist looking for rare Pocket Monsters. He reads a storybook to his daughter Mi about the powerful Pokemon Entei. Shuri is currently searching for the heiroglyph Pokemon "Unknown". While searching through some ancient artifacts, Shuri awakens Unknown and is sucked into it. Mi next awa…
- 被人类用基因技术克隆出来的最强宠物小精灵超梦(市村正亲 配音)带着对自我身份的疑惑和对人类强大的愤怒逃离了科研所,它宣布要对制造出自己的人类进行复仇。已经得到了八个勋章的小智(松本梨香 配音),以成为宠物小精灵训练大师为目标而不断的旅行,他带着皮卡丘(大谷育江 配音)和同伴小霞(饭冢雅弓 配音)小刚(上田佑司 配音)刚结束…