- THE CHAIR follows the story of Richard Sullivan, an innocent man struggling to escape execution on death row. Witnessing the torture and murder of his fellow inmates at the hand of the prison's sadistic and psychotic Warden, Sullivan decides that the only way to survive is to fight back. But as he matches the savagery …
- 乔·福斯特(卢卡斯·内夫LucasNeff饰)自诩是看过无数恐怖片的恐怖达人,经典影片的段落台词不仅随口而出,在现实中也致力于寻求刺激,甚至和女朋友琳西(凯特琳·斯塔西CaitlinStasey饰)的约会也要挑在鬼屋酒吧进行。新婚不久,乔喊来和他有着同样爱好的好友本(克里斯·马奎特ChrisMarquette饰)及其妻子艾什莉(斯蒂芬妮·德雷克Steph…