搜索 安德里亚·陈

  • 电影剧情
    山姆•希德,一个臭名昭著且令人闻风丧胆的连环杀人犯。在过去的六年里,曾有666人死在他的手中。经过很长时间的搜索和排查,警方终于根据一卷录像带找到希德的藏身之地。   毋庸置疑,这个双手沾满鲜血的刽子手很快被判处电椅死刑。但他所处的州有一条奇怪的法律,任何电击三次都未死亡的罪犯都可以重获自由。恐怖魔王希德虽然遭到强烈电击,…
  • When his increasingly depraved behavior spirals out of control, Marcus retreats to his family home along the New England coast. But instead of finding solace, Marcus is haunted by his darkest fears and deepest desires. Is he losing his mind or has something terrible burrowed deep within him Incubating. Waiting until th…