- During a storm the pipes burst in Winnie and Sharon's house so Agnes offers them a place to stay, leading to a storm within the Brown household. Agnes is asked by qiwan.cc Father Damian to do an eulogy for a neighbour she neither knew nor liked.
- Having persuaded Mark to let Bono attend his first disco, Agnes joins Winnie and Hilary on patrol for the Neighbourhood Watch scheme Maria and Father Damien have set up to combat the recent crime surge, though Buster actually hatches the plan to trap the thief; Cathy is annoyed when Agnes goes on a radio talk show to g…
- Agnes Brown has had enough hassle with Christmas trees to last a lifetime, so this year she refuses to have one. But with Grandad's health a worry for everyone, is there something else missing this Christmas apart from just the tree?
- It's the festive season once again in the Brown household, and Father Damian has organised a Christmas decoration contest. Agnes is keen to enter, especially as it might mean getting one over her old nemesis Hilliary Nicholson. But she is soon distracted when Dermot and Buster give Agnes a 'Wi-Fi assistant', and she ha…
- 该剧主角布朗夫人是一个满嘴脏话但又无厘头活泼搞笑的曾独自把六个孩子抚养成人的母亲。剧情就从布朗夫人的子女已经成为社会大龄青年但还是和她生活在一起的情况下展开,当然一起居住的还包括布朗夫人的公公。生活中布朗夫人热情搞笑的调侃干扰着她儿子以及身边朋友们的生活,然而这些正是她每天的必修课 ,也正因为这些每天小小无厘头的调侃才…