A trio of friends are starting high school when their friend vanishes. With the police unable, or unwilling to find her, they take it upon themselves to find out what happened, undertaking a harrowing journey that will change them all.
电影讲述了一对年轻夫妇去一个偏远荒芜的珊瑚岛的一个野营度假,这才发现这个小岛是由过去的暴行寻求报复鬼居住。一对年轻夫妻来到偏远的无人岛上度假露营,没想到却惊动岛上恶灵,他们也将成为它的下一个祭品...Harry and Beth wanted a different kind of holiday. So they chartered a boat to drop them of…
After NASA picks up a trio of mysterious signals from within our own solar system, astronaut Roger Nelson is dispatched on a multi-year solo mission aboard the Magellan spacecraft to investigate the sources.