搜索 布鲁斯·考林

  • A prospector named Jonathan Harvey (Paul Kelly), whose faithful companion is a rough collie named Shep, looks after the family of his late partner, Martha Blake (Ann Doran) and her son Tommy (Gary Gray). After years of digging in the hills of California (where the movie was shot), he finally strikes gold. However, befo…
  • 根据美国棒球名将蒙迪特拉顿的生平故事改编,描述贫农出身的蒙迪被人发掘其投球潜力,几经波折后加入了职棒,并成为当家投手,又娶得美娇娘,正以为幸福生活全无遗憾,不料却在打猎时走火打伤大腿。蒙迪以为运动生涯从此断送,但在妻子的鼓励和个人毅力的支持下他又重新站了起来,还在职棒表演赛中再次回到队上当投手。詹姆斯.斯图尔特诠释个性…