搜索 弗朗克·拜尔

  • 一段发生在一家国营建筑公司里头的三角恋爱:愤世嫉俗而又魅力十足的工头Hannes Balla,唯唯诺诺的支部书记Werner Horrath(已婚)以及事业和爱情两不误的女建筑师Kati Klee。该片因其反英雄性质的主人公和对社会现状的批评与揭露在拍摄时就引起党内高层领导的不满,勉强公映后五天即遭禁演,直到1990年才得以重见天日,并被评为东德影史最佳之…
  • After the second World War, Dresden has a lot of reconstructing to do. To get the cigarette factory he once worked for running again, Kalle has to travel to Wittenberg - the only place where carbide can be found. Once there, Kalle find himself in the unfortunate situation of having to hitchhike his way back to Dresden,…
  • A series of interviews with living filmmakers about German film history.`Night of the filmmakers' (1994, 52 mins., English commentary) directed by Edgar Reitz, was produced for BFI TV by Edgar Reitz Filmproduktions in association with ZDF, Arte and Premiere. Brings together an imaginary assembly of German filmmakers to…
  • 1943年的一个波兰犹太人隔离区,一个年老的犹太人雅各布每天向人们传播着关于未来的希望,他告诉大家这些美好的消息是他从广播中听到的,而实际上全部都是他自己编造的……   1943年德国占领期间的波兰,犹太人被限制生活在独立的隔离区内,一个叫雅格布的中年犹太人每天都向身边的人散发着盟军的推进和德军败退的消息,大家都以为这些美好的…
  • During the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939), five International Brigade soldiers of different nationalities are given a crucial assignment as their commander lies dying: they are to smuggle top-secret information across enemy lines. The paper is torn in five; each piece is hidden in an empty bullet shell and entrusted to …