本片由五个短片组成,改编自20世纪初美国著名短篇小说家欧·亨利O. Henry的五部短篇小说:The Clarion Call / 嘹亮的号角(1908年)、The Ransom of Red Chief / 红毛酋长的赎金(1910年)、The Gift of the Magi / 麦琪的礼物(1905年)、The Cop and the Anthem / 警察与赞美诗(1904年)、The Last Lea…
Entertainers enter a political rally to get out of the rain and become part of the show. One of them (Powell) gives a speech in place of the besotted candidate (Walburn) and is chosen to be the candidate by backers he later exposes as crooks.