搜索 德雅·萍娜·阿克

  • 土耳其一个白雪皑皑的偏远小镇上,冬天总是漫长难熬,大雪封路、与世隔绝。有传言说,熊已经提前从冬眠中苏醒,并在四处觅食。虽然没有人真正见过它们,居民们还是很担心它们会很快来到镇上。阿斯利是一名年轻的护士,最近被派到这个小镇履行义务服务。在一个寒冷的夜晚,镇上的一个男人失踪了,这引起了各种谣言。阿斯利也发现自己一步步陷入与…
  • 电影
    Would you fall in love with a person whose voice you haven't heard for months, whose face you haven't touched, you can't smell, you don't even have the chance to pass by the same street, you can't even be in the same photo, who is miles away from you, even by seas, islands and cities