- At the start of the season there was a nervous excitement at Anfield. With a new manager and some potentially excellent signings Liverpool looked to improve on their performances in previous seasons. With the power of Chelsea, Manchester United and Arsenal, Liverpool looked realistically to claim fourth spot in the lea…
- 中国足球协会超级联赛(Chinese Football Association Super League),简称“中超”、“中超联赛”,参赛球队数固定在16支,是中国大陆地区最高级别的职业足球联赛(中国香港、中国澳门、中国台湾有直属于国际足联与亚足联的足协与联赛)。中超联赛开始于2004年,前身为1989年成立的中国足球甲A联赛。 由中国足球协会组织,中超联赛有限责任…