搜索 拉斯洛·霍瓦特

  • 二战后,安基·维拉在匈牙利的一家医院担任护士。她直言护士和医生的工作条件恶劣,因此被安排参加为期六个月的教育课程。
  • 1955年出生于匈牙利小镇的贝拉塔尔(BelaTarr)被称为最后一个大师,他的作品在上世纪80年代星火燎原般走红,他标志性的长镜头也惹来很大的争议性。16岁时开始自导自拍影片,22岁拍摄第一部长片《家庭公寓》。《家》片以大量的特写和中景镜头、摇晃晕眩的手提摄影,惊人地展现了社会问题引发家庭病变的过程。1981年塔尔拍了两部延续前作“纪录虚构…
  • It is the 15th c. in Hungary. And young prince Gaspar (Laszlo Galffy) was sent off to Italy when he was just two years old, and now he has come back to his father's castle as a grown man, with a troupe of actors in tow. Once arrived at the castle, he discovers his mother is in a kind of trance state, reportedly drinkin…