搜索 拉迪雅·切丽尔

  • “Ada apa dengan Cinta?”片名“一語雙關”,Cinta可以指“愛情”,也可以是指劇中的女主角Dian Sastrowardoyo飾演Cinta“愛”(張愛玲、李英愛的“愛”)。片名用英語來譯名“What's up with Love?”最恰當不過。影片中描述了少女“愛”Cinta情竇初開,愛上冷漠如冰的 Rangga,所以就說“愛”怎麼了?“愛”到底發生了什事?名為Cin…
  • In "The Blind Pig Who Wants to Fly" you will find stories about disoriented identity, not knowing who you are, anxiety, uncertainty, the experience of being lost, told with a sense of humor. A father who is desperate to win a green card lottery, so the family can move to America. An ex-national badminton cham…
  • 兰纳小时候,她的父亲把她丢在了雅加达的动物园里,她是被这里的饲养员养大的。一个和长颈鹿、大象和河马为伴的年轻女孩对自己的未来会有什么幻想呢?兰纳幻想有一天,自己能和一个牛仔在一起,并且相伴到老。兰纳会和他一起,离开动物园,到外面的世界好好看看。但是,牛仔来的快,走的也快。一阵风一样的魔法之后,牛仔就消失不见了。孤苦的兰…
  • Ajo Kawir is a fighter who fears nothing, not even death. His raging urge to fight is driven by a secret: his impotence. When he crosses paths with a tough female fighter named Iteung, Ajo gets beaten black and blue, but he also falls head over heels in love. Will Ajo’s path lead him to a happy life with Iteung, and, e…
  • 电影
    Ajo Kawir is a fighter who fears nothing, not even death. His raging urge to fight is driven by a secret: his impotence. When he crosses paths with a tough female fighter named Iteung, Ajo gets beaten black and blue, but he also falls head over heels in love. Will Ajo’s path lead him to a happy life with Iteung, and, e…
  • 1989年印尼西爪哇省,憤怒青年阿久四處找人挑釁較量,只為證明自己的陽剛男子氣概,藉以掩飾羞恥的性無能。直到他遇見帥氣剽悍的功夫女保鑣苡登,不打不相識的相遇,折服不只衍生愛意,亦蔓延出恐懼。一首首情歌勇於表白真心、一張張烘焙紙傾訴情意,阿久是否能回應苡登的心情,找回自己的平靜?而兩人所需克服的,還有更巨大的創傷過去……。…
  • 电影剧情
    In a society ruled by machismo, a hibernating "bird" becomes a serious matter. In a life of brutality, the sleeping bird is an allegory for a peaceful and serene life, even when the whole world tries desperately to rouse it.