搜索 朱利奥·布雷萨内

  • 一个多愁善感的老女人和一个十几岁的男朋友。他们彼此喜欢,所以她和他谈论她自己,她的灵性,神秘主义和存在本身。他们变得形影不离,所以他嫉妒的母亲面对着她。
  • 因为今年是威尼斯电影节70周年华诞,陈可辛与贝托鲁奇、金基德、贾樟柯等全球知名导演,以“重启未来(Future Reload)”为题,拍摄了70部短片,向威尼斯电影节“祝寿”。28日当地时间22时,这70部短片正式播出。
  • (Infernalario: Logodedalo - Galassia Dark, Brasile, 1993, Betacam, 40')Galáxias is a masterpiece of concrete visionary poetry of one of the greatest poets and intellectuals Brazilians, Haroldo de Campos.阿洛多·德·坎波斯(Haroldo de Campos,1929 - 2…
  • Only film directed by Brazilian songwriter Caetano Veloso asks for unconventional audience""O Cinema Falado" (could be translated as "Talking Cinema", a VERY appropriate title) is an experimental, personal, unconventional film that belongs to the lineage of late-60s' Brazilian Underground Movem…
  • 剧情介绍:克丽奥佩特拉七世(公元前69年-前30年)是埃及托勒密王朝的末代女王,托勒密十一世之女,托勒密十二世狄奥尼索斯之姐姐和妻子,于公元前51年起开始掌握政权。公元前48年,依靠凯撒的力量,她从叙利亚重返埃及,执掌大权,而她也成为了凯撒的情妇。凯撒迷恋于她的美貌,并与她生下一子。但是凯撒回到 罗马之后,因为与议院的矛盾,被其私…
  • “If you had to choose between me and your mother, who would it be?” Capitu asks provocatively of her problematic lover. Elsewhere, they dance to inaudible music, with their friends, each couple keeping to a rhythm of their own. At times, t…
  • A curious couple, whose existence takes place where art arises along a singular metaphysical desire. They search for it through repeated and varied representations, in a setting of light where hope and desperation blend together.
  • Bressane's first color film, shot in the home of the artist Elyseu Visconti. Part of it is missing sound and final editing because the director was forced to leave Brazil. Horror and humor to deal with the subject of insanity: "In the end everyone leaves the house as though they were laboratory mice escaping, they…
  • A caboclo's soul wanders through purgatory (or hell), visiting many places until he boards a ship whose destination is unknown. Júlio BRESSANE (1946, Brazil) started his film career as assistant director to Walter Lima Jr on the film Menin…
  • A delicate and tenacious writer, widowed three years ago, engages in frequent conversations with a parrot. However, she's always observed by a large portion of raw meat