- Dr. Raymond Forrester, professor of psychology at UCLA, takes student and Hollywood starlet Dorothy Crowder to a Malibu hotel of questionable reputation. The two ingest LSD, sent in a mysterious package to Forrester, and become some of the first Americans to go on a psychedelic experience. The experience takes a turn f…
- An eccentric theater artist struggles to stage an OJ Simpson musical with the help of his childhood friends.
- In this new sketch show, Tim Robinson and guests spend each segment driving someone to the point of needing -- or desperately wanting -- to leave.
- 格斯·范·桑特和杰昆·菲尼克斯时隔11年再度合作,欲将四肢瘫痪的漫画家约翰·卡拉汉(Joe Callahan)的故事搬上大银幕。卡拉汉12岁就嗜酒成性并滥用药物,21岁的在酒后遭遇车祸四肢瘫痪,之后他开始重建他的生活,最终成为了一位不断超越身体局限的漫画家。
- In this new sketch show, Tim Robinson and guests spend each segment driving someone to the point of needing -- or desperately wanting -- to leave.