- The plot revolves around Phua Chu Kang being persuaded by his mother Ah Ma to bid for a contract to renovate the Heaven Can Wait old folk's home owned by the unscrupulous Lim Lau Pek . Although he is not sure why Ah Ma wants so badly for him to get the job, he agrees to do it anyway when he finds out that his arch-riva…
- American journalist Nick Orton is caught up in the world of Chinese gods and monsters while on a search for the long lost manuscript to 'Hsi Yu Chi' (The Journey to the West) by Wu Ch'eng En. He is accompanied on his journey by a humanoid ape with incredible strength and magical powers, a humanoid pig-man, and his brot…
- 水、土、火、气。四个国家曾经和睦相处,四种元素的主宰降世神通维持着他们之间的和平。但是当烈火国进攻并消灭了气和牧族之后,一切都改变了 — 这是烈火国征服世界的第一步。由于目前的神通化身尚未出现,世界已经失去了希望。但是,当年轻的气和牧族安昂(戈登·科米尔饰演)重新觉醒,成为下一个转世神通后,就像黑暗中的一道光,希望出现了…