- 改编自六道作品《叛逆的征途》,为了死去的好友,夏文杰只身一人去向金二寻仇,结果却身负重伤也没有成功,夏文杰决定隐忍,一边锻炼功夫,一边在寻找复仇的机会……利用自己手里金二杀死自己哥们的证据,成功的把金二引了出来,而金二万万没想到,这是一个陷阱,他被另一个不能得罪的势力老大张凡抓住杀掉。 复仇后的夏文杰并没有解脱,稽…
- [BohnDeun]Season 2 will see the progression of Bohn and Deun's relationship as they navigate their way around their Tom and Jerry relationship.[RamKing]After season 1 ended with King drunk confessing his feelings to Ram so this season will contain the process of them facing their feelings and finally getting together.[…