- 老艺人曼弗雷德·派克特为了改变马戏团的处境建议经理加一个大象表演的节目,可他自己在表演空中飞人时,失足摔断了脖子,轮到他的女尔莱妮接棒用父亲的思想进一步改编马戏团的节目。对她来说这无疑是一种考验,她开始制订改革马戏团的计划,但在经济现实面前低头屈服,把马戏改造成电视上的常备节目。此时,莱妮的好友去世,她继承了好友的财产…
- What is a revolutionary? The writings of Marx and Engels both use the metaphor of revolution as the "locomotive of history". Is, then, the revolutionary a standard bearer of progress, a pace setter, a frontrunner?None of the above, because in a world ruled by a turbo "devaluation" where only the new…