- Traces the Beats from Allen Ginsberg and Jack Kerouac's meeting in 1944 at Columbia University to the deaths of Ginsberg and William S. Burroughs in 1997. Three actors provide dramatic interpretations of the work of these three writers, and the film chronicles their friendships, their arrival into American consciousnes…
- 这部记录片描记了原始星球大战三部曲的从头制作。我们从中可以了解乔治·卢卡斯的星球大战之梦已经后续拍摄的星球大战(1977)、星球大战5之帝国反击战(1980)以及星球大战6:绝地大反攻(1983),视觉特效、财政问题、拍摄、编辑、音效、以及上吨的电影胶片,幕后制作人员,演员都将展现给大家。
- Netflix出品的纪录片,相信很多人喜欢女歌手Nina Sinmone,就像【爱在日落余晖时】里朱莉·德尔佩模仿的那种唱腔和标志性的舞台动作,她是一位优秀的爵士女伶,她还是一位人权斗士。
- Join Dr. Robert Ballard, discoverer of the Titanic, on an expedition in the Mediterranean where he uncovers eight ancient roman wrecks beneath the sea, and thousands of artifacts spanning more than 2,000 years of human history.