搜索 漢眞喜

  • Model Hyunju, who has been selected by Kang Kang of CF company and has been successful, avoids physical relationships for true love with his lover. However, during the outdoor shooting, when the lieutenant Kang lost her innocence and confessed the fact to her lover, the disappointed lover goes abroad and marries anothe…
  • 护士的许英洙和江世准决定订婚,但世准得知英洙母亲是洋公主,世准决定离开英洙。当得知这事情的英洙母亲被受到打击而去世。成单身的英洙,经受碰着退婚与母亲的去世,决定自己生下世准的孩子。另一面与吴情花结婚的世准,妻子连连流产最终不能生孩子而苦恼。世准的父母去找英洙要孩子,英洙为儿子俊英的将来而苦恼......