- This bizarre film by one of the most original directors now working in Germany is hermetic, expressionist, oblique, and of a creative perversity that bespeaks the presence of a genius. Purporting to deal with a real-life 19th century diva 'whose popularity was such that over-exertion led to her death while singing,' th…
- She purchased a ticket of no return to Berlin-Tegel. She wanted to forget her past, or rather to abandon it like a condemned house. She wanted to concentrate all her energies on one thing, something all her own. To follow her own destiny at last was her only desire. Berlin, a city in which she was a complete stranger, …
- Frau Dr. Mabuse herrscht über einen großen Medienkonzern, ihre Presseerzeugnisse bestimmen weithin das Land. Um ihre Auflagen und damit die verlegerische Macht noch weiter auszubauen, kreiert die ehrgeizige Zeitungsmacherin eine Kunstfigur…