- 舞台はくノ一養成学校。くノ一になるべく厳しい掟を守り、修行する日々。しかし、落ちこぼれ集団「ん組」の修行はそうはいかない。そんなある日、梢が謎の忍者集団・風魔に誘拐されてしまう!今こそ一致団結!落ちこぼれ軍団は奇跡を見せることが出来るのか!?
- In this arousing adventure of super ninja skill, Suzukane and Okan are two beautiful female warriors in training who must hunt down and rescue their ninja clan lord's sacred and protective ninjitsu scroll. Kagerou is the sultry duo's archnemesis -- a sex- and money-loving female fighter with equally dazzling skill and …