- The Man In The Hat sets off from Marseilles in a small Fiat 500. On the seat beside him is a framed photograph of an unknown woman. Behind him is a 2CV into which is squeezed Five Bald Men. Why are they chasing him? And how can he shake them off?As he travels North through France, he encounters razeteurs, women with st…
- 约瑟夫是一名机场安检员,生活看似平淡无奇,然而,日常的工作枯燥乏味,安检传送带也持续输送着来自乘客和同事的疏离与不安。在一次不愉快的家庭聚会后,一个新的不羁的灵魂开始侵蚀原来的他,新的约瑟夫行事不计后果,时刻处在情感爆发、自我毁灭的边缘。这不仅是主人公一场拼命挣扎的自我发现,也是社会中形形色色普通人的生活写照。影片以手…