- 《一周八天:披头士的巡演时代》记录的是披头士的“红色专辑”年代1963-1966。这段时间是披头士全世界巡演时代,也是披头士最辉煌的年代,“众筹”作品,大部分电影素材来自于网络。导演从2003年就开始搜集素材,除了来自地方电视台和档案机构,还来自上百位披头士粉丝、个人收藏者和非法偷录者。影像涵盖了这一时期披头士乐队的每一场重要演出…
- 'The Trials of Muhammad Ali' covers Ali's toughest bout: his battle to overturn a five-year prison sentence for refusing US military service in Vietnam. Prior to becoming the most recognizable face on earth, Cassius Clay became Muhammad Ali and found himself in the crosshairs of conflicts concerning race, religion, and…
- September 21, 2001 America: A Tribute to Heroes was a telethon in the style of a benefit concert organized in the aftermath of the Sept ember 11, 2001 attacks on the World Trade Center and The Pentagon by the four major United States television networks《美国:向英雄致敬America: A Tribute To Heroes》是号召好莱坞明星及流行乐坛歌手在美国纽约发生911恐怖袭击…