搜索 米克洛什·加博尔

  • 描绘的是一个少年的梦幻,是孩子对于死去父亲的回忆和想像,他不愿接受这个现实,他通过父亲留下的遗物沉浸在一系列的幻想里,并以联想设计了一些场景,在幻觉里父亲成为了反法西斯的游击队员和敌人周旋,父亲在他的心中俨然成了领袖人物受人爱戴,其实这是对个人崇拜的反讽!而影像里游行的画面让我们有着相识的记忆......   ----kav…
  • Kocsis Ferenc excellent staff appointed the new director of public stores. Ilonka a talented fashion designer, Boriska a dear, Daniel, a overzealous, Klimke, a conservative sale and Glauziusz uncle, conscientious, honest book promotes the work. Ilonka initially rather just keep arguing, even though both of their lives …