- Set in 1952, film tells the story of young musicians playing - then forbidden - jazz music in basements and attics around Poland. The group hires itself to social parties, youth dances, etc, each time waiting for the management to disappear in order to shift gears to hot music. The crowd either loves it or does not kno…
- The film is set in 1905, in a time of feverish revolutionary underground activity in Poland partitioned between three neighbours. All the characters are committed anarchists. The bomb maker puts an invention together to place it at the disposal of young inexperienced terrorists fighting against Tsarist oppression. The …
- Personnel,Personel1975,releasedJan.13,1976,Poland,TVfilm16mm,color,70minDirector:KrzysztofKieslowskiScreenplay:KrzysztofKieslowskiCinematography:WitoldStokMusic:„Aida”,GiuseppeVerdi,performedbyOrchestraoftheGrandTheatreandOperainWarsawArtDirector:TadeuszKosarewiczMusicarrangedby:MichalZarneckiProductionCompany:TorFilmS…