搜索 米尔科·拉扎罗夫

  • A man (Christos Stergioglou) driving an old-fashioned car is crossing the border. He is Greek and past his fifties. He is coming to Bulgaria to buy a child. The price is ten thousand Eur. To smuggle the child Jorgos has prepared a secret compartment in the boot of the car masked as a gas tank. The baby hasn't been born…
  • 电影剧情
    铁道工人灿科(斯特凡·德诺利博夫 Stefan Denolyubov 饰)在执勤的过程中,意外发现洒落遍地的钞票。忠厚老实的他,没想太多便决定报警处理。适逢弊案频传,首席公关尤莉娅(玛吉塔·戈施瓦 Margita Gosheva 饰)决定炒作他的义举,力图扭转政府形象。然而,精明干练的她,竟在表扬典礼上意外弄丢了灿科心爱的旧表,事后还不断敷衍搪塞,意图使…
  • 电影
    Kristina Grozeva and Petar Valchanov’s Triumph — combined with their previous films The Lesson (TIFF ’14) and Glory (2016) — forms a trilogy inspired by sensationalist news stories from their Bulgarian homeland that prove once and for all…
  • 电影剧情