- The imaginative gaze of filmmaker Miguel Gomesbrings to the screen a fundamental text of Brazilian literature, Rebellion in the Backlands, Euclides da Cunha’s account of the 1897 war between the nascent Republic’s army and the native inhab…
- Percy and Veronica have been housesitting at a palatial modern spread in the Hollywood Hills for the summer, but the real world of New York, jobs and young professional struggles are merely days away. Nonetheless they are in a hurry to leave this paradise, because the tranquility was broken by an unwanted visit by form…
- 深受国际影坛瞩目的葡萄牙导演米格尔戈麦斯,继享誉国际的《金色八月天》、《禁恋》后,以长达383分钟的新作《一千零一夜》三部曲,呈现当代葡萄牙的众生相。首部曲《一千零一夜I:不安之人》以天方夜谭中诉说故事的皇后雪哈拉莎德展开,藉由三段故事描绘富人、穷人、强者、鲁蛇、小偷和诚实的人,如何在金融风暴下存活下来。米格尔戈麦斯结合现…
- In a public park Ralph spots Teddy courting Madge's maid Rose, as well as seeing Agatha with another, younger man, which leads to a fight with Lord George and the intervention of P. C. Wilson. Alf cons Mrs. Lipton into www.2kyb.com believing she is baking cakes for the local orphanage when, in fact, he is selling them …
- Rare Miguel Gomes short, comissioned by the International Film Festival Rotterdam. title is self-explanatory
- 代表葡萄牙参赛奥斯卡的《一千零一夜》二部曲《一千零一夜II:孤独之人》,不同首部曲的天马行空,改以沉稳的叙事反映社会现实,透过小狗「迪克西」的角度,看尽现代人的冷漠与伪善, 富饶趣味地包装社会议题,同时为寂寞带来全新语言。狗儿充满灵性、惊喜的表现,毫无悬念地夺得本届坎城影展「狗狗金棕榈」奖,超级吸睛。