- In Green Wing Special the critically acclaimed hospital-inspired comedy "Green Wing" is back for a one off extravaganza. This genre-defying TV show takes and altogether unconventional view of the health service, proving that medical issues needn't have any actual relevance in a hospital setting. Produced by t…
- Netflix在这个圣诞季要为我们送上一点黑魔法,因为《萨布丽娜的惊心冒险》(Chilling Adventures of Sabrina)的“圣诞特别集”已经在来的路上了。该剧主创罗伯托·安古列·萨卡撒(Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa)周一(11/12)在社交平台上宣布该特别集将于12/14上线。关于该特别集的具体故事情节暂且不详,但从Netflix发布的圣诞季特别预告…
- The Master arrives on Earth at a circus run by a man named Rossini and steals a dormant Nestene energy unit from a museum. He reactivates it using a radio telescope and uses his hypnotic abilities to take control of a small plastics firm run by the Farrel family, where he organises the production of deadly Auton dolls,…
- Bad Education, written by and starring Jack Whitehall, follows Alfie, the worst teacher ever to grace the British education system, and a bigger kid than his students.Despite his obvious shortcomings, Alfie's position at the school is stable thanks to Fraser, the school's headmaster, who tragically longs to be as cool …
- Bad Education, written by and starring Jack Whitehall, follows Alfie, the worst teacher ever to grace the British education system, and a bigger kid than his students.Despite his obvious shortcomings, Alfie's position at the school is stable thanks to Fraser, the school's headmaster, who tragically longs to be as cool …