- The 15th of July of 2010 was an historical day in Argentina. That day a law was approved that says that marriage is independent of the sex of the contracting parties. At the same time, a more democratic and egalitarian society was build. This is the result of the long fight of committed women and men. They lived throug…
- 巴西金牌编剧鲁伊兹·波洛内西(《大惊小怪》)出手不凡,第一次执导长片就带来了这部大气磅礴的科幻史诗动画大作。影片以横贯五百年、四个时期的巴西为背景,在历史与未来之间,主人公经历生死轮回。与动画大师宫崎骏一样,导演坚持使用手绘创作,为动画风格与人物造型带来一丝执着与复古的色彩,而上海国际电影节的老朋友赛尔顿·梅罗(《小丑…