- 根据珍妮·汉所著同名小说改编,讲述16岁女主人公劳拉·简·科维喜欢给每一个她爱过的男孩写情书,用尽真情实感来表达现实里开不了口的心情,将信保存在一个帽箱里。而当有一天这些秘密情书被公之于众,她的生活也陷入了天翻地覆的混乱之中。
- What could possibly have ended the tight-knit thirty year friendship of Tully and Kate, our "Firefly Lane Girls Forever"? We'll learn the answer this season -- but first -- Kate grapples with the painful aftermath of Johnny's ill-fated trip to Iraq, while Tully faces a lawsuit after walking away from her talk…