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  • 电影动作
    从严格意义上来讲,《奎迪》也许不能算是《洛奇》的续作,而是另一部衍生作品。故事将以曾被洛奇打败的重量级拳王阿波罗·奎迪的儿子为主角,影片的片名也源于此。这位出身上流社会的年轻人具备与生俱来的拳击天赋,立志成为拳王的他却遭到家人的反对。他于是找到了已经退出拳击界并且无意回 归的洛奇(史泰龙饰)来担任自己的教练。
  • Jeff Anderson and Melissa Joseph are engaged, have a baby on the way, and live in a townhouse next to their best friends, Steve and Lisa. They have been living the perfect life, until a string of robberies take place in their neighborhood. Each night Jeff and Melissa notice strange occurrences happening to and around t…