搜索 艾未未

  • In the first episode of the series, this programme unlocks the BBC archives to tell the story of the birth of modern art, in the words of the artists who created a cultural revolution - from the startling innovations of Picasso to the explosion of colour in the paintings of Matisse, to LS Lowry's industrial cityscapes …
  • ‘85新潮運動,是中國當代藝術擺脫社會主義束縛的分水嶺。 1989年轟動一時的「越界,中國先鋒藝術」展覽會, 走在時代前端的中國先鋒派藝術家大膽地創新和標新立異, 這是中國當代藝術發展的里程碑。 他們的創作征服了世界。從北京到雲南,這批藝術家或繪畫、或雕刻、或攝影, 把他們眼中所見的中國,化為一件件藝術。 或幽默,或諷刺,如岳敏君…
  • 自发明网络後,20年过去了。本系列探讨了网络带来的深远影响——无论好坏,数字革命如何改变了人类的生活呢?记者兼大学教师Aleks Krotoski博士走访全球,研究网络改变一切的意义,包括我们如何学习、购物、投票、交友等等。目前全球有四分之一的人上网,本系列探讨了当世界剩下的四分之三的人将要上网时,网络又为他们准备了什么呢?
  • Superstar architects Jacques Herzog and Pierre de Meuron must negotiate between two cultures, two architectural traditions, and two political systems to build the new National Stadium for the Olympics in Beijing. Bird's Nest, available exclusively via Amazon Unbox.- Written by Anonymous
  • More focused and specific than Human Flow, The Rest ventures from the Greece-Macedonia border to southern Italy and the Calais jungle, gathering testimony from those most directly caught up in the refugee crisis. Ai Weiwei remains behind the camera throughout, removing any distraction that his presence might have cause…
  • 威尼斯日单元特别展映As part of a personal quest, for over 30 years director Hermann Vaske filmed the world's most intriguing artists and thinkers, including over 50 luminaries, among them Academy Award and Nobel Prize winners, from the fields of…
  • 电影
  • Titel,Thesen,Temperamente
    The cultural magazine in the first, in the weekly change of six editors of the ARD radio stations.
  • 同样作为人类,有人活的优越而麻木,有人经历着突如其来的天灾,也有人常年遭受着人为的政治与战争的侵害,无家可归,流离失所,处于战火与漫天的硝烟之间,混沌而无助,坚强而乐观,导演艾未未记录下叙利亚、阿富汗、伊拉克等地区国家的难民现状,难民人口的流离失转,用极富洞察的摄影,把一幕幕人口流动印刻人心~