搜索 莫娜·麦金农

  • How could it be that Ed Wood, Jr., the young man who wore a woman's bra and panties at the Battle of Tarawa in World War II, went on to become the Orson Welles of low-budget films? Through film clips, still photos and extensive interviews with the bizarre cadre of actors, ministers and girlfriends who were involved in …
  • 贪欲和邪念横行世间,愚蠢的人类不断开发大规模杀伤性武器,原子弹、氢弹,甚至足以毁灭地球和宇宙的太阳弹也在开发之中。某高度发达的外太空文明为了阻止地球人的自毁行为,想尽办法进行劝阻。但地球人拒绝外星人的规劝和存在,转而兵戎相向。万般无奈之下,外星长官依洛(Dudley Manlove 饰)启动第九号计划,将已死去的人类复活,让僵尸四处…