- 第二次大战期间,两个意大利逃兵 Fabio 和 Gino,在Gino的村子里找到了藏身之处。Fabio 在村里的会计那里找到了一份工作。会计的儿子动身前往前线之后,Fabio和他的妻子 Ginevra 开始秘密偷情。Gino的妹妹Rosa偷偷爱上了Fabio,但Rosa受着道德的迫害,她以前和自己的表哥产生过不伦之恋,以至于现在不能拥有孩子。她的叔叔Piero是个法西斯…
- Muhammad Yunus, Nobel Peace prize winner, is known in the whole world as the banker of the poor, because he pioneered and tested a funding system in Bangladesh: by lending little sums of money to the less well-off with no interest, and returning it by installments gained with their work, people are able to get free fro…