- THE KING OF COMMUNISM Monday 17 November 2003 10.30pm-11.30pm Nicolae Ceausescu created a unique personality cult in the 1970s and 1980s, transforming communist Romania into one of the strangest regimes Europe has ever seen. Newspaper…
- At the end of the 1960s the post-war generation began to revolt against their parents. This was a generation disillusioned by anti-communist capitalism and a state apparatus in which they believed they saw fascist tendencies. This generation included journalist Ulrike Meinhof, lawyer Horst Mahler, filmmaker Holger Mein…
- 这部纪录片即讲述了NBA巨星诺维茨基如何从家乡的地区级联赛脱颖而出,一步步进入NBA并率领达拉斯小牛队勇夺2011年总冠军的成长历程。影片除了涵盖诺天王本人的自述外,还囊括了大量对其身边人物的采访以及珍贵的训练视频等资料,其中,湖人主力科比•布莱恩特、杰出控卫史蒂夫•纳什、中国小巨人姚明等明星球员亦均有亮相,绝对是篮球迷们不容错…