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  • Luca could appear a regular guy interested in spacial engineering. He is not. He is obsessed with the fact he isn't appreciated by girls. He starts to record with his video-camera a kind of diary spying the building in front his flat. He insistently spies a girl, Valeria, till he believes to love her. But his mind is i…
  • 阿尔贝托是互助会的医生,对秩序有着执念,十年前与妻子分居,专心于照顾十五岁的女儿比安卡。一天他偷看了女儿的日记,发现她计划与男友发生关系。阿尔贝托陷入了恐慌。他决定阻止事情的发生,或者至少让女儿明白该如何去做。他邀请最好的朋友玛丽娜来家中做客,她是妇科医生,所以阿尔贝托认为她是青少年专家,他们想说服女儿避免“犯下这个严…