搜索 長谷川裕見子

  • 旗本・田宮伊右衛門(東千代之介)は、スリから取り戻した財布をネタに商人から金を強請り取ったり、辻斬りも平気な悪党。そんな悪党ぶりを見た菊五郎は、鶴屋南北(坂東蓑助)にああいう化物侍を書いてくれと頼む。南北は伊右衛門と接するうちに、伊右衛門と妻・岩(長谷川裕見子)の愛憎を知る……鶴屋南北の「東海道四谷怪談」執筆裏話といっ…
  • 駒井能登守に私怨を抱く神尾主膳に拾われ、暗殺の命を受ける龍之介。その行く手を遮る宇都木兵馬。龍之介は、能登守を斬らず、また兵馬との戦いも避けて、道行きで知り合った妖しくも美しい女・お銀を伴い、街道を彷徨する。その道連れは、これまで龍之介が殺めた者たちの怨嗟の声が響いていた。いつの間にやら、豪雨で荒れ狂う笛吹川へと導かれ…
  • Part 1: After his father's ship, the Kannonmaru sinks, Jiromaru decides not to take over hisfather's occupation and goes to Kyoto to become a samurai. However Jiromaru quicklyrealizes that being a samurai is not everything he had hoped it would be. He then hearsrumor of the Kannonmaru appearing at various locations and…
  • 幕末时期,时局动荡,暗流涌动。甲州武士机龙之助(仲代達矢 饰)剑术绝伦,却拥有一颗邪恶阴暗之心。在一次剑术比赛前夕,对手宇津木文之丞(中谷一郎 饰)的妻子阿滨(新珠三千代 饰)恳求他败给丈夫,甚至不惜委身于他。然而在次日的对决中,龙之助仍然以绝对优势杀死文之丞。在此之后 ,他和被休的阿滨离开甲州,浪迹江湖。两年后,他以杀手…
  • 中里介山の世紀の大ロマン文学「大菩薩峠」シリーズ3部作の究極の映像化。さらに人間の業を描いた物語は加速化する・・・。天下無双の“音無しの構え”で剣を極めた机龍之介だが、自分さえも最後までは信じ切れず、常に虚無感に苛まれていた。失明の身を救われた龍之介だが、恩人であるお豊の夫を斬り捨ててしまい、いまは伊勢古市に身を隠して…
  • This is the tale of seven master swordsmen who band together to play an activerole against the group planning to kill the 8th Tokugawa Shogun, Yoshimune andtake over his position. Included in the group are a chivalrous robber, a highlyskilled magistrate, and a masterless samurai for hire, just to name a few. Thescreenp…
  • NINJA'S WEAPONYoja no Maden - 1956 - Color - FullscreenDuring a time of war, Lord Ogata is betrayed by two of his closest vassals and killed by hisenemy, Sarashina Danjo. Ten years later, Lord Ogata's only living heir, now a skilled ninja,sets out to avenge his parents' deaths with sorcery. The magical ninja tactics ar…
  • While the story of the Ako Clan's vendetta has been told countless times, never beforehas there been an array of major motion picture stars to bring new life to this timelesstale. Starting with the corrup practices of Lord Kira and Yanagi-sawa, the Shogun'sSecretary, which in essence led to the incident of Lord Asano's…