搜索 阿尔农·扎多克

  • In Israel's Central Prison, the security officer is corrupt, supplying drugs and stirring the hatred between Jewish and Arab prisoners to his advantage. Uri, in for 12 years for armed robbery, and Issan, in for 50 years for PLO violence, command the respect of their cells. When the Arabs are framed for the murder of a …
  • 丹.史蒂文斯是一家报社的记者,要知道作为一名记者,没有得到最快、最新的消息,这意味着什么?史蒂文斯面临种种压力,凭着自己的智慧和胆识,开始对战区进行采访。在那里,他了解到战争多么的残酷无情,战区人民饱受战乱之苦,颠沛流离,托着沉重的步伐向世人展示,他们需要和平,需要安宁,需要……这是一部由记者角度真实揭示战争残酷血腥的…